Guarding against those harmful UV rays.

Guarding against those harmful UV rays.

Graceful Lilly thinks that most people are fully aware of the fact that too much exposure to the sun is no good for your skin. Nor is too much alcohol. Or sugar.... etc.

There is, however, a fix for this problem. It's call SPF 50. or SPF 20. As long as it's SPF above 15, it'll be helping. Just stay out of the sun. That's my answer!! White skin is in vogue. 

Unfortunately, neither the chocolate nor the coffee scrub will help very much in this field. That's why your moisturiser and Body Butter are both filled with generous helpings of SPF 50. For your protection. 

Here are some good sunscreen tips:

  1. Buy exclusively fragrance free sunscreen. The skin already gets irritated when we’re exposed to the sun for a few hours -wearing a sunscreen that contains fragrance would simply irritate sensitive skin further. Perfume adds nothing to the formulation of skincare products. You don’t need it! If you love pleasant smells there are other ways to satisfy that need that won’t damage your skin.
  2. Put some kind of reminder so you won’t forget to reapply your sunscreen. If you’re relaxing at the beach it’s very unlikely you’re going to check your phone regularly to see if it’s time to reapply your SPF, and honestly you shouldn’t have to. Just set an alarm that goes off every once an hour so you won’t end up fried at the end of the day.
  3. Apply sunscreen even if you’re in the shadow. Yes, that’s right, being in the shadow does not mean you’re protected, as UV rays can reach you there as well. UV rays can also penetrate many types of clothing; you can check out this information for yourself if you don’t believe me. Unfortunately many people don’t know about this so it’s important for this information to be shared.
  4. You don’t need a 100 SPF sunscreen in order to be protected. Don’t feel the need to buy super high SPF products. There is only a minimal difference in protection between a 50 SPF and a 100 SPF, even though the numbers might mislead you into believing a 100 SPF is twice as protective. My advice would be to never go lower than a 30 SPF and that there is no need to go higher than a 50 SPF.
  5. Put sunscreen on even if you have dark skin. I know I have said this before but I think it is important to talk about this again, as so many people with darker skin tones feel that they don’t need to worry about skin cancer. That false sense of security is actually dangerous! Nobody is immune from sun damage, no matter their ethnicity. People arguing that “they don’t know anyone who had skin cancer so it can’t be that dangerous”…stop spreading this kind of message!
  6. Don’t leave your sunscreen out in the sun. This might seem like a contradiction as sunscreen is designed to protect us from the sun, but leaving it in a place that’s too hot might make the product less effective because of the instability of some components. Leave it in the shadow inside your bag when you’re at the beach."

It's pretty much common knowledge and common sense, that one has to be very wary of exposure to the sun for you skin and your eyes. Skin cancer is not the prettiest thing. But what we're more concerned about here is delaying the full velocity of the dreaded disease. That's what SPF if for. 

Rich and creamy body butter in a jar. 

Graceful Lilly Body Butter and Daily Moisturiser. Both Come with SPF 50 for your protection.

Graceful Lilly Moisturiser 90grams

for Body and Moisturiser, please checkout at

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